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Ideal Founder Series 013 Holly Liu, Co-Founder of Baked Tipsy

Oct 24, 2023

( English Version Below v v v v )




About Holly

《 永續 x Holly 》

「自幼因為父親工作的需要,Holly 出生後全家便搬到了印尼。因此 Holly 便在當地的學美國學校就讀,那邊的風氣開放,十分鼓勵學生們的個體發展與探索,而 Holly 正式在那樣的環境薰陶下,開始對動物保護、婦女教育、永續等議題萌生了興趣。」



《 高爾夫般的旅程! 》

「Holly 給人的印象總是個願意分享,且充滿著自己獨特群眾魅力的人,但這樣的魅力,源自一個非常簡單的特質 -  親切感。」



《 3H 》

「當問起 Holly 是否有座右銘,或是任何的核心理念時,Holly 是這麼分享的。從她分享的當下,以及整場訪談的態度,感受得到 Holly 不僅對自己有著這樣的期許,同時也希望身邊的朋友、家人、夥伴,都能在工作上、生活上朝著更好的自己邁進。」



Personal Relationship with Baked Tipsy

《The Big Question》

「Holly 在面對人生、創業時,心中時常跑出一個疑問 - 這樣的模式,是為了解決什麼問題?



同時我是在生活中,能方便、輕鬆、沒負擔的達到目的是最好的。如果將話題帶回剩食議題,我心中的問題便是 - 有什麼方法可以輕鬆地解決剩食的問題?

在這樣的背景下我們探討了許多輕鬆做環保的方式,參考了許多的模式,但我們發現風俗習慣的不同,是許多商業模式難以跨越國界的原因。而最終基於台灣對美食的熱愛,以及我們對剩食議題的關注,Baked Tipsy 的雛形在幾個大二生的手中逐漸成形。


「Holly 總是保持著正向的態度,而當她提起 Baked Tipsy 是怎麼開始的時候,散發出的熱情和能量,不難理解 Holly 對 Baked Tipsy 的熱愛。

我認為對 Holly 來說,挑戰之所以會有趣,往往在於那一念之間的 leap of faith 所帶來的改變和感動!」

大二時,曾和幾個朋友一起參加的一個永續創業競賽,經過不斷地討論過後我們便逐漸的建立現在 Baked Tipsy 的雛形。

然而這樣的結果僅僅停留在一個提案,當時身邊的一位朋友認為我們不敢將這個提案兌現,於是不服輸的個性讓我們決定放手一博,決定將 Baked Tipsy 這個提案,變成一家新創。

時間快轉到現在,我認為 Baked Tipsy 真的有在解決我們希望緩解的問題,sometimes all we need is a leap of faith!

About Baked Tipsy

《 剩食 》

「Baked Tipsy 是一家透過食物升級循環、再造,以解決剩食議題的社會企業。

有人回收塑膠,再製成藝術品 ; 有人回收廢水,將其轉換成可飲用的水 ; 而 Baked Tipsy 則是將剩食回收,再造成啤酒及零食。

Upcycling 是 Baked Tipsy 每天在做的事情,但對 Holly 來說,他們在做的遠遠不只如此。」

食物的升級循環、再造,本身並不是一個新的概念,針對剩食議題也有著很多不同的解方,不同的方法解決著剩食議題中的不同環節,而這也是我們希望藉由 Baked Tipsy 和我們的會員們溝通的觀念。

Baked Tipsy 利用生產端的剩食來製造大家手中握著的 Baked Tipsy。然而,這樣的影響和特色等等是難以被看見的。因此 Baked Tipsy 在生產永續啤酒的同時,我們更期望可以為剩食議題倡議,引起大家對議題的關注和意識。

我們所處在的環境,ESG 和永續已經不再是一個 good to have 的特色,更像是一個 must have 的條件了。對整體永續概念的推進當然是好的,但隨之而來的是鋪天蓋地的行銷用語,以及 ESG 的濫用,大家漸漸的對永續、ESG已經逐漸麻痺。

然而 ESG 並不是身為企業才應該重視的事情,而是從終端消費者、服務與商品供應商、投資人到政府的每一個人都該重視的。而當消費者已經對永續有著基本的認識,我們可以適時的和他們進一步的溝通永續背後的意義,以及能夠怎麼被執行。希望藉由秉持這樣的理念,看到更多人願意為永續多出一份力。

《 Wayne x 數字會說話 》

Wayne 和我比起來是相對嚴肅的人,我很喜歡這樣的組合,對外希望可以讓每個和我們接處的人感受到我們的活力,對內希望可以用嚴謹的態度去面對每一筆數據和每一個挑戰。

現在 Wayne 也在準備碳排相關的證照,一來是我們希望可以讓大家理解,我們是一家以數據為基礎的公司,二來是希望可以透過這樣的專業能力,來監督、審核我們自己以及合作夥伴的相關表現。

數據對不管是投資人、合作企業、消費者而言,都是公平的。秉持著這樣的理念,Wayne 在團隊每天做的事,就是確保 Baked Tipsy 真正在做的事情,與我們呈現給外界的形象是相符的。

《 解方 x 影響力 》

「何謂成功?Holly 和我在討論何謂成功時,理解到現在這個世代成功與否,定義已經和以往有著偌大的差距,不再被社會的期望框架,更多的是對眼前世界的貢獻以及帶來改變。




而將重點放到了現在眼下的事情也是一樣的,我希望我近期的目標,是透過Baked Tipsy或是任何未來有可能的其他項目,來實現這樣的理念 - 為社會解決問題。

因此對我來說,Baked Tipsy 是成功的。

對我來說有沒有成功,是我們在做的事情是否真的有解決到對應的問題,而針對 Baked Tipsy 剛起步的時候,我們期望可以解決的問題 -如何讓消費者輕鬆地解決剩食的影響,我們的確有一步步地在緩解這樣的問題。

然而成功與否並不是一次性的,而是透過不同的發展、不同的挑戰去一次又一次的解決不同的問題,所以我認為 Baked Tipsy 就現在而言算是成功的,但並不會說從此就是成功的,我們還是必須不斷的解決下一個挑戰,還有往後每一次的挑戰!

Baked Tipsy X Industry Insights


「Holly 在過往的經驗中,曾經協助過海廢藝術品的製作與銷售,因此訪談過程中和 Holly 討論到包材的選擇與使用時,令人意外的是,Holly 在探討環保包材時,第一時間的考量點並非材質本身,而是將終端消費者在每次處理包裝時的行為與選擇作為優先考量」

雖然現在使用的包材仍是一般的紙類包材,但我們仍不斷的在尋找不同的替代選項。同時,Baked Tipsy 也認為若終端使用者在丟棄這些包材時的習慣不佳,即使選用再環保的包材也枉然。

因此我們決定先從我們可以馬上做出改變的地方著手,我們將包材的設計優化,讓所有 Baked Tipsy 的支持者們可以更輕鬆地回收包材,而這也和我們的初衷以及想帶給大家的價值相互呼應。


《 啤酒 x ESG 》

「整個訪談過程中,Holly 始終保持著希望,這份希望不僅是對於 Baked Tipsy 的期盼,也是 Holly 對台灣在永續方面的認識和理解能夠更上一層樓的願景!」

Baked Tipsy,透過食品的 Upcycle 解決了市場上的剩食問題,但這僅僅是台灣在 ESG 推廣上的一小步。

永續這件事情的重要性眾所皆知,我們希望透過 Baked Tipsy 整體的概念、形象,先去引起大眾對永續的好奇,我們才有機會更進一步的和所有支持 Baked Tipsy 的人推廣,永續是什麼?有什麼樣的方法可以支持永續經濟?

透過和所有 Baked Tipsy 的支持者們推廣永續的概念,進一步的和其他以不同方式、不同面向來實踐 ESG 的新創們一起攜手,和台灣的民眾一起探索如何將永續真正的落實在我們的生活中,民眾和我們學習的同時,我們也透過一次次的回饋,不斷調整我們的步伐。

Personal Reflections & Advice

《 從心開始 》


《 Ideal 》

Ideal 為我們帶來了許多需要多年累積的經驗,也為 Baked Tipsy 帶來了不少的機會。

我們從 Ideal 身上學到了多東西,不管在實務上的談判技巧、角度,或是在策略規劃、品牌行銷等等一路到財務報表方面的建議,都非常的扎實為我們引導了方向。

但我想身為一家新創公司的創辦人之一,我們還有很大的進步空間,而這樣的進步,不僅需要 Ideal 團隊的協助,也需要像 Ideal Community 一樣活躍,而且平時都會互相交流的一個社群,這也是我們認為 Ideal 可以為不同新創公司帶來幫助的地方。


About Holly

《 Sustainability x Holly 》

“Because of Holly's father's job, her entire family moved to Indonesia after Holly was born. Holly attended an American school there, with a nurturing environment that encouraged individual growth and exploration. It was within this environment that Holly's passion for issues like animal protection, women's education, and sustainability began to take root.”

At that time, students like me were greatly encouraged to explore and understand both internally and externally. I believe that this combination of inner and external exploration is crucial, and the balance I believe is pivotal and influential in shaping all my choices along the way. 

During that time, I was focusing on various issues, such as animal protection, women's education, and ocean waste,actively participating in related initiatives. 

As I started university, I carried these experiences and insights back to Taiwan. It was during this time that I saw the issue of food waste in Taiwan, as well as loopholes in current solutions, and became deeply drawn to the issue of food waste.

《 It’s like playing golf! 》

"Holly always leaves an impression of someone who is willing to share and possesses an unique charisma. However, this charisma stems from a very simple quality - approachability with kindness.”

Whenever I have a good idea, I can't help but want to share it with those around me. At the same time, I also rely on their feedback to continually refine my course. Fortunately, those around me are often willing to provide feedback, echoing my attention to values in the exchange of ideas and active listening.

This back-and-forth dynamic in my journey is much like playing golf - taking bold swings, achieving results, and making constant adjustments. It's precisely this dynamic that propelled me towards my goals in both work and life.

《 The 3H’s 》

“When asked what’s her motto and her principles, Holly shared: 'Having a flexible mind (head), a heart that is adventurous and kind (heart), and hands that can execute (hands) is crucial. 

I believe these qualities are essential not only in work, but also in life.”

Throughout my journey, I've had the privilege of meeting many remarkable people, including several successful entrepreneurs. I see these qualities in them, and while I don't claim that possessing these traits is the sole path to a smooth journey, at the very least, these qualities enable us to persistently work towards what we believe in.

“Holly's attitude during the interview, along with her sharing, reflects her expectations not only for herself but also for her friends, family, and partners - that they all strive to become better versions of themselves, both in work and in life.”

Personal Relationship with Baked Tipsy

《The Big Question》

“When discussing entrepreneurship, Holly often asks herself a question - what problem is this business model meant to solve? Just like fashion stores, street vendors, five-star restaurants, startups, and corporations, they all exist to address some corresponding issue.”

Taiwan is a country that loves food. Buying and enjoying food here is extremely convenient. However, the issue of food wastage has become an increasingly challenging problem to solve.

In my personal philosophy, the optimal solution to any problem is one that prioritizes convenience, simplicity, and seamless execution. This led me to ponder: How can we effortlessly combat the issue of food wastage from the perspective of the average consumer? 

We explored numerous environmentally friendly solutions and drew inspiration from various models abroad. Nevertheless, we soon recognized that cultural customs and habits often posed significant barriers, hindering the successful adoption of many business models. Current solutions here, and abroad, just don't solve the problem. Eventually, driven by Taiwan's love for gastronomy and a shared concern for food wastage, the concept of Baked Tipsy gradually took shape in the hands of a group of college sophomores.

《 The Bet 》

“Holly always maintains a positive attitude, and when she talks about how Baked Tipsy began, the passion and energy she exudes make it easy to understand her love for Baked Tipsy.

I believe that for Holly, the fun of challenges often lies in her leap of faith, which brings about change and inspiration!”

During my sophomore year, I participated in a sustainability entrepreneurship competition with some friends. We gradually formulated the concept for Baked Tipsy through continuous discussions.

However, it was just a proposal. At that time, many friends believed that we were hesitant to bring this idea into a reality, so our competitive spirit led us to take the leap of faith and attempt to bring everything about Baked Tipsy to reality.

Fast forward to today, we view Baked Tipsy as a genuine response to the problem we're set out to solve Sometimes, all we need is a leap of faith!

《 Food Waste 》

“Baked Tipsy is a social enterprise that addresses food waste issues through upcycling. Some people recycle plastics into fabric ; others recycle wastewater into drinkable water. Baked Tipsy, on the other hand, upcycles surplus food into beer, snacks, and flour. Upcycling is what Baked Tipsy does every day, but for Holly, what they’re doing is much more than upcycling the food waste.”

The concept of upcycling food is not something new, and there are many different approaches to addressing food waste. This is precisely the concept we aim to communicate with our members through Baked Tipsy.

Baked Tipsy uses surplus food from production lines in the baked goods and brewing industry to create drinks and snacks, including  what everyone is holding in their hands today– Baked Tipsy Beer. 

However, such impacts and features are often invisible. Therefore, while Baked Tipsy produces sustainable beer, we aim to highlight different approaches to addressing food waste and raise awareness about the issue, while making it easy for consumers to contribute to the cause..

In the environment we are in, ESG and sustainability have transitioned from being mere optional attributes to becoming imperative prerequisites. . While the overall concept of sustainability is good,the excessive  use of fancy marketing jargons and overemphasis of ESG, has made people pay less attention to sustainability and ESG. People have slowly become less interested or even numb towards these concerns.

ESG is not something only companies should focus on; it should be a concern for everyone, from end consumers, service and product providers, investors, to governments. When consumers already have a basic understanding of sustainability,it becomes possible for us to effectively convey the deeper significance of sustainability and how it can be practically implemented. . By adhering to this belief, we hope to see more people contribute to sustainability willingly, implementing it as a lifestyle!

《 Wayne x Numbers don’t lie 》

In comparison to myself, , Wayne tends to be more serious. I really like this combination. We want to project our vitality to the public, show people we're fun too; while internally, we strive to maintain a dedicated and serious approach when dealing with numbers and challenges.

Currently, Wayne is also preparing for carbon-emission certifications. This serves two purposes: firstly, we hope everyone understands that we are a data-driven company. Secondly, we hope that through this effort, we can monitor and audit our own performance and that of our partners.

Numbers don’t lie, be it  for investors, partner companies, or consumers. Following this principle, Wayne consistently ensures that Baked Tipsy's actions  aligns with the image we present to the public.

《 Answering the question, and make an impact 》

“What is success? When Holly and I discussed the concept of success, we understood that in today's generation, the definition of success has diverged significantly from the past. It's no longer confined by societal expectations but is more about contributing to and effecting changes in the world before us. It's no longer just a word.”

To contribute to society is something I believe our generation highly values over mere profit. It's the genuine impact on society that resonates with  young people today.

My life goal is clear-cut - no matter what I do, I want to be solving problems.

So, in this context, Baked Tipsy is a success. It's solving the problem people desiring involvement but being hesitant to alter their habits for sustainability. It's offering inventive solutions for bakers or chefs in search of sustainability options for their kitchens. It's providing businesses with fresh methods for promoting their ongoing sustainable initiatives.

However, success isn't a one-time thing. It's about repeatedly addressing different challenges through different stages of development. So, I consider Baked Tipsy a success for now, but it doesn't mean we're done. We still have to keep solving the next challenge and every challenge that comes after.

《 ESG through Beer 》

“Throughout the entire interview, Holly maintains a sense of optimism. This optimism extends beyond just Baked Tipsy; it also reflects Holly's vision for Taiwan's progress in sustainability.”

Baked Tipsy's approach to addressing food waste through upcycling marks a small yet significant stride towards promoting ESG practices in Taiwan.

While the importance of sustainability is widely recognized and discussed, bridging the gap  between understanding it in theory and truly implementing it, living in it remains a challenge here in Taiwan. Through the overall concept and image of Baked Tipsy, we arouse the public's curiosity about sustainability, about food. 

This curiosity becomes a stepping stone for further education and engagement with all those who support Baked Tipsy. We want to answer questions like, 'What is sustainability?' 'Where does sustainability stand in a discussion about food?' and 'How can we support or even build a sustainable economy?'

By promoting the concept of sustainability to all Baked Tipsy supporters and collaborating with other startups that implement ESG in different ways,  we seek to join hands with the people of Taiwan to explore how sustainability can truly be integrated into our lives. As people learn from us, we, in turn, adjust our course through their feedback.

《 Answering the question, and make an impact 》

“What is success? When Holly and I discussed the concept of success, we understood that in today's generation, the definition of success has diverged significantly from the past. It's no longer confined by societal expectations but is more about contributing to and effecting changes in the world before us. It's no longer just a word.”

To contribute to society is something I believe our generation highly values over mere profit. It's the genuine impact on society that resonates with  young people today.

My life goal is clear-cut - no matter what I do, I want to be solving problems.

So, in this context, Baked Tipsy is a success. It's solving the problem people desiring involvement but being hesitant to alter their habits for sustainability. It's offering inventive solutions for bakers or chefs in search of sustainability options for their kitchens. It's providing businesses with fresh methods for promoting their ongoing sustainable initiatives.

However, success isn't a one-time thing. It's about repeatedly addressing different challenges through different stages of development. So, I consider Baked Tipsy a success for now, but it doesn't mean we're done. We still have to keep solving the next challenge and every challenge that comes after.

Baked Tipsy X Industry Insights

《 Consumer Behavior 》

“In Holly's previous experiences, she has been involved in the creation and sales of art pieces made from ocean waste. Therefore, during our conversation about packaging materials, it was surprising that Holly's initial consideration when discussing eco-friendly packaging was not the material itself but rather the behavior and choices of end consumers.”

Although we currently use conventional paper packaging materials, we are continuously exploring alternative options. we believe that even if the best and most eco-friendly packaging materials are chosen, if not handled properly by the end consumers, it wouldn’t make a difference.

Hence, we decided to start with what we can immediately change. We optimized the design of our packaging to make it easier for all Baked Tipsy consumers to recycle. This aligns with our original intentions and the values we want to bring to everyone.

Sustainability can be fun, and easy too!

Personal Reflections & Advice

《 The Origin - Heart 》

As I mentioned, I firmly believe that a successful startup is one that can continuously answer and solve current problems. Therefore, I think it's important to start from one's own life experiences, observe every single thing that’s happening around us, and maintain curiosity to explore. 

Through this process, you'll discover many aspects in life that can be improved, and these are the entry points where we can try and make a change!

《 Ideal 》

Ideal has brought us a wealth of experience that takes years to accumulate, and it has also provided many opportunities for Baked Tipsy. We've learned a lot from Ideal, ranging from practical negotiation skills and perspectives to strategic planning, brand marketing, and even financial reporting advice. They have provided us with a solid direction.

However, as one of the founders of a startup company, I believe we still have room for improvement. This progress not only requires the assistance of the Ideal team but also necessitates an active community like Ideal Community, where there is regular and mutual exchange. We see this as an area where Ideal can provide valuable support to various startup companies.

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