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Ideal Founder Series 012 Jacky Tsai, Co-Founder of Naked Protein

Sep 18, 2023

( English Version Below v v v v )




Introduction about Founder

簡短的介紹自己,讓大家了解一點你的背景、興趣、喜好等等,以及目前在Naked Protein擔任著什麼樣的角色?


高中時期,有過協助籌備學校的畢業舞會、畢業典禮等等活動的經驗,籌備過程漸漸發現自己非常善於挖掘每個人獨特的才能,並透過不同的安排和溝通,將大家最好的那一面激發出來 ; 大學時也和朋友一起透過二手買賣生意,存了一些小錢。


你會如何形容身為團隊共同創辦人兼 CEO 的自己?

Naked Protein 的實習生 Brad 此時也在現場參與了訪談,因此也邀請 Brad 分享他眼中的 Jacky:

“從一開始來到 Naked Protein 就對 Jacky 的執行、掌控力感到敬佩,身為一個新創的 CEO,我看到 Jacky 必須接觸和學習很多新的事物,同時在這邊的兩個月時間,算是看到、學到很多不一樣的東西,Jacky 是個讓我十分敬佩,而且真的具有領導風範的人。

謝謝 Brad 對我的評價,我自己的想法和 Brad 是一樣的。

雖然同時身為 Naked Protein的共同創辦人兼 CEO,但我並不認為自己在團隊內是個擁有更高階級或是更有話語權的人,Ray 和 Zoe 也是團隊不可或缺的靈魂,我們缺一不可。







Personal Relationship with Naked Protein

你是在什麼樣的背景、環境、心境下,決定創立Naked Protein的?

我在跟 Ray 相識不久後,我便嘗試了他自己的乳清配方,試喝的當下我就知道那是個特別的產品,不久後我們便開始思考是否要成立自己的公司來推廣這個產品。

然而那時候的我有著和Naked Protein非常不一樣的選擇,正好在等當兵的我已經收到了巴黎高等商學院的錄取通知。



因此在當兵前有兩個月的時間,我的家,是 Ray 家的沙發,我們沒日沒夜的為Naked Protein做準備,所有的文案、通路、行銷等等,一路上的種種決定,不敢說是絕對的好或是絕對的壞,但的確在過程中找到了許多的感動,也很高興能看到 Naked Protein 漸漸茁壯。

你認為在過去職涯中累積的經驗,對你在創立Naked Protein的過程中帶來了哪些影響或幫助?

我認為所有我運用在建立Naked Protein的知識和觀點等等,並非從職涯開始才累積的,如同我前面所說的,從小的耳濡目染以及所有的經驗造就了今天的我。



如果今天沒有創立Naked Protein,現在的你可能會在做什麼呢?

但若我沒有選擇和 Ray 一起創立 Naked Protein,我也許會是在某間公司擔任中階主管,我無法肯定的給出一個答案,但就跟剛才提到的一樣,我現在若是沒有選擇Naked Protein,也許一輩子都不會再有一樣的機會,甚至不確定是否有這樣的勇氣選擇這條道路。



About Naked Protein

請以簡短、快速的方式介紹Naked Protein是一家什麼樣的公司

Naked Protein 希望可以陪伴每位會員,一步一步的建立專屬於自己的 Life Style,而這並不是說喝了 Naked Protein 就可以打造一個健康、有活力的生活風格,而是希望透過 Naked Protein 作為陪伴會員們的媒介,和他們一起打造一個更健康、積極、有活力的生活風格。



Naked Protein 希望可以陪伴每位會員,一步一步的建立專屬於自己的 Life Style,而這並不是說喝了 Naked Protein 就可以打造一個健康、有活力的生活風格,而是希望透過 Naked Protein 作為陪伴會員們的媒介,和他們一起打造一個更健康、積極、有活力的生活風格。


Naked Protein 最希望為哪種客戶,解決怎麼樣的問題,或傳遞怎麼樣的價值?

Naked Protein 希望可以陪伴每位會員,一步一步的建立專屬於自己的 Life Style,而這並不是說喝了 Naked Protein 就可以打造一個健康、有活力的生活風格,而是希望透過 Naked Protein 作為陪伴會員們的媒介,和他們一起打造一個更健康、積極、有活力的生活風格。


針對這樣的客群,為何Naked Protein會是目標受眾的最佳解答?




成功可以分為很多面向,以我個人層面來說,我一直以來憧憬的並不是創業這個想法本身。 我們之所以會開始經營Naked Protein,是因為我們當時擁有那麼好的產品,我們希望可以將這樣的產品分享給所有認同我們價值的人們,所以才會選擇在這個時候創業,並非因為想創業而創立了Naked Protein。


你認為從創立到現在,Naked Protein有什麼地方是你希望可以更進一步做提升的嗎?

在我看來,每一處都有進步的空間。行銷方法的優化、營運的效率、產品品質和官網設計等等,我對事情的要求往往很高,即使對現在的狀況感到滿意和欣慰,但永遠會想著如何做得更好、呈現得更漂亮。 但真要說什麼是最優先解決的,並且列為我最重要的工作的,大概就是取得充沛的資源,讓團隊有辦法大展身手吧!


記得那時候 Naked Protein 才剛成立沒多久,我騎著車在信義區的一處紅綠燈停了下來,旁邊就是一家健身房。 才剛停下,我就看到在路邊有個男生,手上拿著的是我們的杯子,裡面裝的蛋白飲一看就知道是我們家的烏龍茶口味蛋白飲,那個瞬間真的沒有別的感覺,就是感動。

Naked Protein X Industry Insights


台灣的市場有好一段時間,因為健身的風氣不斷上升,因此格外注重訓練前後的蛋白質攝取量,許多品牌也因此以平價、高蛋白含量作為主要訴求,這的確因應了當時甚至是現在健身族群的需求而生。 健身族群對高蛋白補充的需求並不會不見,但可以發現的是在 Covid 以後,人們也越來越重視日常生活的健康與均衡,而這正是 Naked 想帶給會員的價值,Naked Protein 是個可以常存在會員的生活中,同時提供足夠的蛋白及其他營養攝取的蛋白飲。

市面上有許多也是在販售蛋白飲的廠商,想請問 Naked Protein 是以怎麼樣的角度去看待市場中的其他品牌呢?

Naked Protein 還處在不斷成長、學習的階段,因此目前我們並未視任何市面上的品牌為直接的競爭對手。

多數以平價、高蛋白含量為主張的品牌,本身鎖定的客群就和我們不一樣。另外市面上也有許多提供不同功能的營養補充品及代餐產品的品牌,而這些品牌鎖定的客戶年齡層也和 Naked Protein 希望可以服務到的客群不同。



台灣因為地狹人稠,因此長久以來非常仰賴米食的供給,然而這樣的飲食習慣,容易讓身體所攝取的養分不均衡,加上現代生活步調快速,人們對於照顧身體健康的意識雖然上升,但市面上仍沒有一個更合適的解決方案。 我們希望這樣的問題在未來能夠隨著 Naked Protein 的不斷成長,為所有因為生活模式或任何原因造成營養攝取不均的民眾,帶來一個輕鬆、有效的解答,我們未來的方向現在仍在規劃中,但若有任何的進展我們會第一時間和我們的所有會員分享的!

Naked Protein 是如何將新的概念和消費者們溝通?尤其像是飲食習慣或是對健康的定義,你們是否針對習觀及觀念的推廣有任何的規劃?

我們針對台灣消費者有做過資訊落差的研究。我們發現相較起兩年前剛創業時,消費者對於蛋白補充的觀念已經有更多的了解。從原本多數人認為要想減重就是少吃多動,一直到現在已經有許多人接受攝取足量蛋白質對於身體各方面皆有所幫助,也越來越多人知道甚至喝過蛋白飲。這樣的改變歸功於各大健身和營養師 Influencer 和眾多品牌不斷推廣。 由於我們的理念是陪伴大家打造自信體態,所以我們的政策中嚴格禁止使用恐懼或任何會引起身材焦慮的方法進行行銷。 我們的做法是,在品牌理念層次先溝通每個人所要追求的,「是讓自己感到快樂和自信的體態」,而不是單純的「瘦」或是「輕」。再來,我們會透過社群合作和行銷文案分享如何才能吃得開心又健康,並宣導正確的營養學和飲食知識。我們相信唯有扮演支持和陪伴的角色,才能讓會員們感到專業和安心。

Personal Reflections & Advice


我想要分享的挑戰,應該會是很多新創團隊會遇到的問題 - 身為年輕的創辦人,在管理不管在年資或是閱歷相對豐富的夥伴時,較容易遇到意見不被看重或是不被信任的問題。



終究你會去做一件只有你能做的事情 這件事情並非是說某個我們表現突出的領域,或是在這件事情上我們擁有不凡成就。 我想背後的意義,是意願,更是承諾。我們是否真的願意將我們的精力和熱誠投注在上面,我想這是很多人嚮往,但同時令人遲疑、害怕的一個選項。 為什麼有我這樣的學經歷,不去選擇一個大公司呢?這是我最常聽到的一個問題之一,也是我曾經問過自己的一個問題,但若這件事情始終是我嘗試的,那何不在有機會可以失敗後再次勇敢站起來的時候,放手一博呢。

你會如何和其他新創公司的創辦人分享你的經驗和感想,關於成為理想Ideal 社群中的一員?

燈塔,Ideal 對我來說,就像是個燈塔。 身為創辦人,要在一片黑暗中尋找方向,同時所有夥伴的前進方向,都是依照你的腳步去邁進,這是個非常沈重但不可輕言放棄的責任。 但面對這樣的黑暗,Ideal 就像一座燈塔,雖然不是每分每秒的在身旁一路指導,但每次的出現,就像是閃過的燈塔,一次一次的提供指引,我也就這樣一步一步的修正我的方向。

Introduction about yourself


Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers, provide them a glimpse of your background, interests, and hobbies. It could also touch on the role you currently hold at Naked Protein.

The start of my journey can be traced back to my family. Growing up in an environment where my parents ran their own business, I was able to have a glance at the entrepreneurship world from a young age. I began to learn about the complexities of running a business, the challenges one might face, and how to overcome them. Looking back now, I realize that everything I've experienced is closely interconnected.

During high school, I assisted in organizing events like our graduation prom and ceremonies. As I got involved in the organizing process, I realized that I’m quite good at  uncovering unique talents within each person. Through special arrangements and effective communication, I found a way to bring out the best in everyone. In college, I ventured into a small second-hand business with friends, saving up a bit of money along the way.

This journey has been about getting to know myself bit by bit. Even as I sit here in this interview, I continue to refine my understanding of who I am. This ongoing process has strengthened my belief that I'm someone who excels at exploring different possibilities and approaches, which I take joy in. I’m also good at encouraging my teammates, walking alongside them as we move forward together.

How would you describe yourself as a co-founder and CEO of the team?

Naked Protein's intern, Brad, who was also present during the interview, shared his perspective on Jacky:

"From the moment I joined Naked Protein, I've been impressed by Jacky's execution and self-control. As the CEO in a startup, Jacky must engage with and learn about numerous new things. In the two months I've been here, I've witnessed and learned a lot of different things. Jacky is someone I deeply respect and he truly exemplifies leadership qualities.

Thank you, Brad, for sharing your thoughts. My own thoughts align with Brad's.

Even though I am both a co-founder and CEO of Naked Protein, I don't see myself as having a higher rank or greater authority over the team. Ray and Zoe are also indispensable in the team; we are interdependent.

Within the team, everyone has their own roles to play. As I mentioned earlier, I'm an orderly manager and excel at uncovering the potential in my teammates. However, as a manager, I must possess exceptional resilience. Many people agree that behind success lies good execution. This statement is valid, but if we delve deeper, strong execution comes from having excellent resilience.

As a CEO of a startup, I have to deal with all kinds of problems that I've never faced or even considered before. In such situations, I must remain calm and provide the most objective analysis, even when my inner thoughts are chaotic. The more chaotic it gets, the more I need to maintain confidence, offer reassurance, and even make the team believe in our ability to overcome challenges more than I do – even when internal pressures are overwhelming.

So, I'd say I'm a person with a high degree of self-discipline and resilience.

Share a motto,in general, like how you deal with life or your company on a daily basis

​​"While focusing on the goal, it's important to enjoy the process as we move forward."

Personal Relationship with Naked Protein

What is your initial motive to start Naked Protein in the first place?

Not long after meeting Ray, I tried his own whey formula. The moment I took that first sip, I knew it was something extraordinary. Shortly thereafter, we began to wonder  whether to establish our own company to promote this product.

However, at that time, I had a very different alternative in front of me,  compared to Naked Protein. While I was waiting to fulfill my military service, I received an acceptance letter from the Paris Graduate School of Business. Faced with two completely different paths, a question arose in my mind: Would the 30 or 40-year-old me still be willing to make such a challenging and risky decision?

Probably not.

Therefore, two months before enlisting, my home was Ray's couch. Day and night, we prepared for Naked Protein. All the copy, channels, marketing, and so on – every decision along the way wasn't entirely good or entirely bad, but we certainly discovered many heartening moments throughout the journey. I'm also delighted to see Naked Protein gradually flourishing.

Do you consider your past experiences to bring you any advantages or other influences to your current company?

I believe that all the knowledge, perspectives, and everything I've applied to building Naked Protein didn't accumulate solely from my professional career. As I mentioned earlier, the influences from my parents and all the experiences along the way have shaped who I am today.

For as long as I can remember, I've had a little fascination – I enjoy browsing through supermarkets, convenience stores, and other retail channels. When I step inside, I start pondering why the environment is set up a certain way, why a particular product is placed there, and so on.

So, for me, it's more like the stacking of life's tracks rather than just the accumulation of career experiences. My family's influence sparked my interest in business and provided me with a fundamental understanding. During my student years, I delved into my strengths and even tried running my own small business. Throughout my career, I've gained a substantial amount of specialized knowledge. The accumulation of experiences along this entire journey has ultimately shaped who I am today.

Could there have been other possible choices or different outcomes if you hadn't founded Naked Protein?

If I hadn't chosen to co-found Naked Protein with Ray, I might have been a mid-level manager at some company. I can't definitively provide an answer as for what I would be doing if Naked Protein wasn’t my choice, but as I mentioned earlier, perhaps I'd never have the same opportunity again, if I hadn't chosen Naked Protein. I'm not even certain if I'd have the courage to take this path.

So, the only thing I can be certain of is that I'm happy with where I am now due to the choices I made a few years ago. I'm content with my position, and I'm delighted and honored to have all the teammates around me.

About Naked Protein

In a few sentences, could you share with the readers what Naked Protein does?

Naked Protein aims to accompany each member on a journey of building their own unique lifestyle. This doesn't mean that drinking Naked Protein alone can create a healthy and vibrant way of living. Instead, through Naked Protein serving as a medium to journey alongside our members, we aim to collaboratively cultivate a healthier, more positive, and energetic lifestyle.

So, rather than merely selling protein, it's more accurate to say that we're sharing a proactive outlook on life to all our members.

Tell us what do you like the most about the team?


Every team member holds a deep affection for Naked Protein, which fuels their willingness to confront a wide array of challenges. When there's a surge in orders due to any reason, everyone in the company jumps in to assist; no matter how busy or tired, during meetings, everyone maintains a high level of engagement. The sight of everyone working together with a united spirit is genuinely heartwarming.

Could you tell us what the ONE problem Naked Protein is trying to solve or value or trying to deliver?

The occurrence of malnutrition isn't solely caused by poverty or warfare; it can also stem from the fast-paced, work-centric lifestyle of modern society. Such an environment can make it challenging to maintain a healthy diet. Opting for a nutritious diet is often considered an extra work or even an unattainable choice.

We aspire to accompany all our members as they pursue their dreams and strive for excellence. We aim to provide them with the energy and nutrition they need, nurturing not only their aspirations but also cultivating a healthy life of their own.

Why is Naked Protein the best solution to the problem your target audiences are facing?

While there are many different brands in the market offering protein and nutritional supplements, the value we can and want to bring to our members doesn't overlap with the existing brands. After observing the market for an extended period, there's even a possibility for us to complement other brands effectively.

We don't exclusively focus on addressing specific issues with functional supplements. Instead, our aim is to comfortably accompany our members, laying a healthier foundation for their daily protein and nutrients intake. We strive to bring them more enjoyment and happiness, walking alongside them as they build a confident physique!

How do you value success?

Success can be defined in many ways, and personally, the idea of entrepreneurship itself wasn't always what I aspired to.

The reason we started operating Naked Protein was that we had such a fantastic product at that time. We wanted to share this kind of product with all those who aligned with our values. That's why we chose to embark on this journey at that particular moment – it wasn't about starting Naked Protein just for the sake of entrepreneurship.

What I've always looked up to and been passionate about is how to manage a team or even a company effectively. However, accompanying this aspiration comes inevitable challenges. As mentioned before, bearing immense pressure while being the calmest and most confident individual in the team isn't an easy task. In my perspective, success is about leading a strong team and tirelessly presenting what we wish to offer to everyone, sharing it in the best possible way.

What are the things that your company is looking for?

We're currently in the process of raising seed funding, enabling us to expand swiftly.

The company is currently entering a rapid growth phase, simply put, resources are scarce across the board. A shortage of one resource can slow down or complicate the process of refilling another resource. For instance, if we want to find ourselves one more partner, the next step would be securing a bigger office space, and so on.

From its establishment to presence, what areas do you think Naked Protein could further improve on?

The one thing that I consider the most crucial and make it my utmost focus, is probably securing abundant resources. This way, our team can truly spread their wings and shine!

Because from my perspective, there's always room for improvement in every aspect. Whether it's optimizing marketing strategies, enhancing operational efficiency, refining product quality, or even fine-tuning the design of our website – I tend to hold things to a high standard. Even though I find contentment and joy in the current situation, the thought of how to do things better and present them more beautifully is a constant companion.

Along the way, what challenges or surprises have left the most profound impression on you?

I remember the time when we just founded Naked Protein. I was riding my motorcycle, and I stopped at a traffic light in the Xinyi District. Right next to a gym.

As soon as I stopped, I noticed a young man on the sidewalk, holding one of our cups. Inside it was our oolong tea-flavored protein drink – a quick glance was enough to recognize it. In that moment, there was truly no other emotion but a sense of being moved.

Naked Protein X Industry Insights

Could you provide a brief overview of the current landscape of the media industry.

Naked Protein isn't just a supplement; it's a constant presence in our members' lives, offering sufficient protein and other nutritional intake in a convenient protein drink.

In Taiwan's market for quite some time, due to the rising fitness trend, there has been a rising emphasis on protein intake before and after workouts. Many brands have positioned themselves with affordability and high protein content as their main selling points. This indeed caters to the needs of the fitness community back then and even today.

Even though the demand for high protein supplementation within the fitness community remains evident, what's notable post-Covid is that people are increasingly valuing health and balance in their everyday lives. This is precisely the value that Naked aims to bring to its members.

There are many companies in the market that also sell protein drinks, how does Naked Protein view other brands in the market?

Naked Protein is still in the growth and learning stage, which is why we currently don't view any brands in the market as direct competitors.

Most brands that emphasize affordability and high protein content cater to a different customer base than we do. Additionally, there are numerous brands in the market offering nutritional supplements and meal replacement products with distinct functionalities. These brands target customer age groups that differ from the audience Naked Protein aims to serve.

Considering all these factors, we're more inclined to see these brands, which operate within the same industry but lean towards functional beverages, as complementary rather than substitute products.

Are there any short-term goals that you hope to achieve in the near future, or any new directions you'd like to explore?

Taiwan, due to its limited space and dense population, has long heavily relied on rice as a staple food source. However, this dietary habit can result in an imbalance of nutrients absorbed by the body. Coupled with the fast pace of modern life, while awareness about taking care of one's health is on the rise, there still isn't a more suitable solution available in the market.

We hope that such a problem can be solved in the future with the continuous growth of Naked Protein. Our aim is to provide an effortless and effective solution for all those who experience uneven nutrient intake due to their lifestyle or any other reasons. Our future direction is still under planning, but if there are any developments, we'll be sure to share them with all our members first!

How does Naked Protein communicate new concepts with consumers? Especially when it comes to dietary habits or definitions of health, do you have any plans for promoting habits and perspectives?

We've conducted research on information gaps among Taiwanese consumers. We've found that compared to when we first started the business two years ago, consumers now have a better understanding of protein supplementation. From the initial perception that weight loss meant eating less and moving more, many now recognize the benefits of adequate protein intake for various aspects of health. More and more people are familiar with and have even tried protein drinks. This shift can be attributed to the continuous promotion by fitness and nutrition influencers as well as numerous brands.

Since our philosophy revolves around helping everyone build confident body shapes, our policy strictly prohibits using fear or any methods that might induce body anxiety in marketing.

Our approach involves first communicating at the level of our brand philosophy what each individual aims to achieve, which is "feeling happy and confident in their body",  rather than just "being thin" or "light." Then, through collaborations on social platforms and marketing, we share how to eat happily and healthily, while promoting accurate nutritional science and dietary knowledge. We believe that by playing a role of support and companionship, we can make our members feel professional and at ease.

Personal Reflections & Advice

Looking back, what were some of the challenges or surprises you faced throughout these stages and how did you overcome them?

I think the challenge I'd like to share is something that many startup teams encounter – as a young founder, when managing partners who might have more experience, it's common to face issues where your opinions might not be valued or trusted.

In such situations, disagreements can easily arise, and as a leader of the team, the key is to swiftly find a method or set a standard to decide how to proceed based on the current circumstances. This is essential for approaching the problem with a systematic and rational perspective. Especially when both sides have strong arguments, it's crucial to prioritize the team's interests to prevent further debates.

Do you have any words of encouragement for those considering starting their own businesses?

Eventually, you will stick to something that only you can do.

This something isn't necessarily tied to a standout area of expertise, nor does it denote extraordinary achievements.

I believe the underlying significance is willingness, and more importantly, commitment. It's about whether we're genuinely willing to invest our energy and passion into it. This is a desire many people long for, yet it's an option that can cause hesitation and fear at the same time.

"Why, with my educational and experiential background, did I not choose a bigger corporation?" This is one of the questions I'm frequently asked, and it's also one I've asked myself. However, if this is something I’m bound to give it a try at some point, why not take the risk when there's a chance to bravely rise again even after the possibility of failure?

What would you tell other startup founders about being part of the Ideal community and your experience here?

Lighthouse, that's what Ideal meant to me – a lighthouse.

As a founder, seeking direction in the midst of darkness, while the path of all our teammates follows your steps, is a weighty responsibility that cannot be lightly discarded.

Yet, in the face of this darkness, Ideal acts as a lighthouse. Though Ideal may not guide me every minute of every day, its appearance is like a flashing lighthouse, offering guidance time after time. With each occurrence, it provides me with the course correction needed, step by step.

106414 台北市大安區敦化南路二段77號7F-4

7F-4, No. 77, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106414, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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